Amsterdam a la Mode: What I’ve learned about fashion from the Dutch

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Before Brice and I return to France, we decided to make  a short pitstop in The Netherlands to visit family living in Amsterdam. I was excited because, for much of the last decade, Amsterdam fashion has intrigued me. I could hardly wait to find out if my Pinterest dreams and ideas about  “Amsterdam fashion” (psst, the Dutch word for fashion is mode) would live up to expectations.

And to be quite honest… it DID!!!

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What intrigued me initially about their style is how it seemed that your average Amsterdammer (yes, there is a word!)  could somehow pull off mixing classic pieces with something funky, and wrap it all together on a slightly too-cool-to-care ending note.

They had the natural French ‘je ne se quoi’ but with a dash of light-hearted whimsy. Amsterdammers  pull off the perfect balance of the “hardly tried” with a dash of artistic and unique ‘pop.’

As my brother-in-law said so eloquently, there’s  a sense of humor while never standing out.

So, practically speaking, what does it take to get the Amsterdammer Look? Well, I’ve seen some recurring themes that make it easier to put this fashion philosophy  into practice. Here are three easy inspirations to dress with an Amsterdam spirit:

  1. The oversized jacket: From oversized trenches to  billowy wool coats, to denim or anorak jackets, the fun use of proportions adds a cool vibe to classic pieces, whatever the weather.

  2. Monochrome with a colorful shoe: This is an easy way to add flair to your Look, without the complication of matching or pairing complimenting colors. No joke… I saw a woman in a Canadian tuxedo (all-denim) paired with a neon yellow block heel. It was SO unexpected but  very chic in how she pulled it off!

  3. Vintage revival: There are so many classic silhouettes, in gorgeous fabrics and prints, that make  timeless vintage styles fun to wear. Just because it is “timeless” and “classic” doesn’t mean everyone is wearing it. Quite  the opposite! Amsterdammers see the excellent design and workmanship in these vintage treasures and how it adds to a timeless chic, cool Look.

And now is the perfect chance to share some of my pics from Amsterdam’s Scotch & Soda.

Hope you have fun with this new inspiration!

Question: What is YOUR favorite city’s fashion style?